Welcome to aigoo's Hay day stuff
This site has come about from many different spreadsheets and other Hay Day related
info I have gathered and created for Central Collective which is a collective of 4 hoods ranging from completely relaxed
to a full on top 40 champions league hood. This was to done to help new players with strategies,best practices and
to help all with trying get some gains on what to stack prior to derby start. Plus some (my wife) may say I'm a bit of a geek.
I have three farms that move around all of the hoods depending on my real life and hood requirements for derby. These farms are, aigoo, baby aigoo & tiny aigoo.

Latest News
April 24 2022
Hello all,
New things added to the guide page.
New things added to the guide page.
April 14 2022
Hello all,
Finally, pretty much all is now mobile friendly too. Any silly issues people see, please put it in the chat page..
Finally, pretty much all is now mobile friendly too. Any silly issues people see, please put it in the chat page..
April 11 2022
Hello all,
New crops page added, might help if deciding to take crops as a derby task.
New crops page added, might help if deciding to take crops as a derby task.
April 05 2022
Hello all,
Slight changes here and there but slowly woring towards a more mobile/tablet friendly site..
Slight changes here and there but slowly woring towards a more mobile/tablet friendly site..
March 24 2022
Hello all,
A few more pages added now, the guide page is WIP and will get more updates to it as time goes by.
A few more pages added now, the guide page is WIP and will get more updates to it as time goes by.
March 22 2022
Hello all,
I will try and do regular updates for new pages etc, but for now I will start simple with production tasks page.
I will try and do regular updates for new pages etc, but for now I will start simple with production tasks page.