Below are some general guides and information to help complete derby tasks in a more efficeint way
regardless of your farm level.
Use the nav above to jump to an area.
General farm prep before derby
The following things can be really useful to do prior to derby start. All very simple even for those of lower levels.
Make sure there are no nets down in the fishing area and you have plenty of lures made and ideally making more to stack the lure machine
Make sure you have no long crops planted
Make sure your truck board is ready with grean ticks on all and ideally making sure they are easy to complete
Make sure all of your animals are fed and ready to collect
Make sure you have enough animal feed made for at least one full round of feeding all animals
Even if not stacked for anything, make sure your town if full and all visitors are served and ready to collect
Just to note with town, it's always best that your ready visitors are not single serve. That way they will be there for a fellow neighbour to come and collect
As a task, feeding animals is really simple and a good task to take, even for those of lower levels.
Below is best practice for a feeding task and a guide as to the minimum time to complete a feed task
depending on your farm level.
All your animals are fed and ready collect.
You have enough feed made for 1 round of collect and feed of all animals even if you don't have all of them yet.
One more really good thing to have is at least 4 slots in both of the feed mills.
Tip for doing it quickly
You take the task and then go round and collect and feed all of the animals you have.
Then (assuming you have at least 4 spots in each mill) start to make 6 x chicken feed and 2 x cow feed, put evenly is key too, so 3 x chicken and 1 x cow in each mill.
As chickens take 20 minutes between feeds there is enough to make all the chicken feed plus the cow feed.
Keep doing the same and at evey 3rd feed of chickens you can also do all of your cows too because they take an hour.
Then basically keep going as above until the task is completed.
The task is feed 195 animals
So based upon level the task time will vary slightly, these are absolute minimum times to complete the task.
As fishing is such a regular derby task I thought I would give a simple guide as to how long the task will take you to complete, really important for those that don't have all of the spots open yet.
Below is a map of the fishing area and the time each spot takes to reset after a fish is caught.
The table on the right gives all of the fishing spots listed in the most logical order in which they would be opened (based upon smallest amount of EM's)and the amount of items required to open the spot.
The last column in the table will will show you how long the task will take you, a few assumptions are made for this.
It based upon an average of 34 fish to complete a 110lb task, all the available spots can be fished straight away and no breaks in between, unlikely so these are absolute minimum times.
The other really important thing this will tell you is that you MUST have at least 34 lures ready but would advise 40 and ideally the lure machine would be stacked to its maximum.
Stacking machines with all items for a derby task can greatly speed up your derby, the hardest thing is know exactly what machines to stack and with what. I will get on
to that elsewhere.
For those who have never done stacking it can be quite difficult and mistakes are easily made. Below is a short explanation of how to stack machines.
As an example, I have filled the Coffee Kiosk with as many hot chocolate as I can and they are all ready for collection. At this point I need to make sure I have the
ingredients in my barn and the barn is full
With my barn full I add 1 hot chocolate, this will take 3 items from my barn, so I do not want to add another to make as I will collect and item
Now I need to fill my barn, the easiest way is to collect eggs. So I collect 3 eggs, fill my barn and I can then add another hot choclate without collecting any
Important things to remember,
Always go back and fill your barn if anything comes from there to make a product
Regardless of how many items you have made you will only ever be able to see 9 at the front of the machine so keep a note
If you want to practice then stack items such as apple juice because they don't take anything from your barn.
The short video below shows how it's done.
For stacking my personal preference is baskets and then make the extra to cover a single production task with the basket type being based on
statistical data from many weeks of derbies.
For example, the Spa task which comprises of Goat Cheese x 9, Olive oil x 9 & Strawberry candles x 6. So I would also make all of those items up to be
single production tasks too, especially Strawberry Candles as that is a popular task.
Firsty a small bit about the importance of town, on average town related tasks make up near 30% of a total derby task type and secondly town is
so much better to do than boats for the following reasons,
Boats take a huge amount of your own and fellow neighbours resourses
Boats only give you some coins and XP
Town will give you some coins, XP & EM's or another gift on fully serving a visitor
So for the above reasons doing boats over town make no sense at all.
Stacking the town can be very simple, just choose visitor type or building type or a combination of visitor and building and also
think about the basket Townies tasks too.
The table below gives an idea of what can be done with combinations to cover as many tasks as possible and will prep you for 8 of the following tasks,
Fully serve 23 town visitors
Fully serve 9 Dancers
Fully serve 9 Salesman
Fully serve 9 Grand Masters
Serve 12 visitors in the Bed & Breakfast
Serve 16 visitors in the Diner
It also covers both of the basket Townies tasks
This is based on a fully upgraded town but can be adjusted depending on your town level
These are also good ones to choose as Bed & Breakfast, Grand Master & Salesman are generally the most regular each derby
Below is a full list of all machine by level with the cost of each machine. As you would expect, always plan to have
the minumum amount of coins for the machine at level up because playing catch up is really difficult. This has been made
worse with the introduction of Farm Pass where if done you generally level up faster.
Enter your farm level and it will show all the next machines you need.